
Hello, my name is Clare and I am a Netflixer.

Phew, I feel better for getting that off my chest. You see I’ve been an addict for a while now and it’s good to confess.

   This should actually happen. Lol. Don't judge me, Netflix. Next episode, please. Thanks.

I’ll watch all sorts, at inappropriate times of the day and night, I’ll watch endless episodes.

I frequently get the pop up message asking if I want to continue watching. This feels very judgemental, as if the Netflix elves that live in the TV (that’s how it works right?) are worried about my mental health, and are urging me to rejoin the real world. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.

I’ll stop watching when I want to, I can stop whenever I like, Netflix doesn't control me.

On a more serious note, I do watch a lot of television. I usually watch films, and a lot of nature documentaries. The thing that I've been enjoying lately is catching up on older BBC series that I've missed, that’s the addictive bit. The BBC is genuinely one of our treasures in my opinion. I’m aware that many people might not agree with me but I pay my licence fee every year without complaint simply so I can keep watching Sherlock. However spaced out those episodes are. Fellow Sherlock fans will understand my struggle. 

Your password to everything is “I AM SHERLOCKED” | 12 Traits Of A True “Sherlock” Fan via Buzzfeed Community. It is hilarious and wonderful how true this is. #Sherlock #BenedictCumberbatch #MartinFreeman Downton Abbey - Season 3 - Christmas special photos | Doctor Who mobile phone Wallpaper

Now, 'The Man' might be one of those that disagrees with me on a few points here, he dubs most shows on the television ‘Mindless dribble’. I find it hard to disagree with him most of the time. There are a few things we will agree on always though, anything with the absolute gems that are David Attenborough and Stephen Fry. I would add Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Judy Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith and any number of other brilliant actors.

Netflix is upping its game with original series being commissioned, shows like Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and Hemlock Grove. All excellent shows with great actors. I know more than a few people who will genuinely explain that they won’t be coming out at the weekend because they’re ‘Netflixing’ a whole series in a matter of days. I am one of them.

           Netflix Humor

I think the recent development in media outlets for television can only be a good thing, more choice isn’t always indicative of better programming but it does mean that each provider has to be better to keep its viewers. That can only be a good thing.

What about you? Any shows you’re raving about?

Anyone want to form a recovery group with me so we can overcome our addictions?

Not this week though, I've got Breaking Bad to catch up on. (I know, I know, I've been living under a rock).

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We have Netflix and NowTV. I spent a chunk of maternity leave working my way through Criminal Minds. Then since Jaxon arrived I’ve worked my way through The West Wing from beginning to end. Now I’m working my way through Season 1 of Perception.

I caught up with the new series of Downton yesterday and have been watching Doctor Who either on a Saturday or a Sunday. (Can’t avoid any spoilers any longer than that!)


Those who do not Netflix are the ones that need the help as far as I’m concerned. Over the last couple of months I have managed to get all the way through 8 seasons of 24 (not for the first time mind), watched all of Luther, Sherlock and have made a start on The Killing (which is excellent by the way). Let’s not waste time on a recovery group that stops people watching their favourite shows, instead we should form a group encouraging those who need to get on it. Oh, and you’re only just watching Breaking Bad? Tsk…enjoy :)


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