Pre Holiday Excitement



Hi everyone,


It’s been an age since I blogged and I can but humbly apologise, I’m sure you were all distraught…no? oh. Never mind then.


Last weekend was my birthday and it was wonderful, it reminded me that I have lots of things to be incredibly grateful for in my life right now.

It also reminded me that I am exceedingly close to my holiday this year. I’m off to Berlin for a week (roughly) and I’ve been waiting ages to do this. I’m clearly a type A control freak who likes to plan everything, of course I like surprises and I like to let things happen if that’s how the days going, but I do try to take  a check list of things to do when I go away.

Before I let myself get carried away with that though, there’s the packing to be done. Let’s be clear, I love packing. Not for me big sighs of annoyance at the effort of packing my life into a teeny tiny case for a week, it’s a challenge and the excitement of tiny bottles of shampoo can’t be beaten.

I get to think ahead and plan an outfit capsule wardrobe, think about my playlists for the trip and nights out when I’m away, the aforementioned little bottles of toiletries. I can print out my boarding passes and get my kindle all stocked and ready to go.

         Aristrocatic travelling

That takes me nicely onto the airport, which I also get a buzz out of. I’M GOING ON HOLIDAY!

I want to savour every second of that excitement, why pick and choose the bits you’re going to enjoy before it even happens, you’ve paid for it all anyway, you might as well make the most of it and approach it all with the same level of glee as the actual getting there part.

Of course working around clothes all day means that I manage to justify a huge number of purchases before I even set foot on foreign soil. “Oh, that new oversized clutch is beautiful; I’ll need that for Berlin. It will hold my headphones and Kindle perfectly.”  “That watch is great; I’ll need that for Berlin.” I kid you not these are actual things I have said and done in the last few months. But you know what? I don’t care, I don’t even justify it to myself really, it’s all part of the fun.


I’m going to do a little blog post once I am back and am thoroughly in love with the city of Berlin.


Can anyone give me any tips? Have you been?


p.s. I would love to credit the art I've used in this post but can't seem to find out who its by, let me know if anyone can find it!

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1 comment

Berlin is one of those places that I’ve always wanted to go to but never made it there (or at least so far!) I don’t imagine that there will be many trips abroad for the next little while but we have a bunch of plans for trips around the UK so who knows we might find something of interest there.

I knew that my friend Sarah would have some kind of post on her blog about Berlin. Technically it’s a link to a different blog but I knew there would have been a something there. Try this –


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